Men can get overlooked when their partner is experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, but the truth is, they’re likely wrestling with difficult emotions like fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

At Assure Pregnancy Clinic, we see men for who they are: people who need resources and support just as much as women.

Even if you aren’t personally going through the pregnancy, you can play a major role by being by your partner’s side and helping her weigh her options. But what else can you do when you first receive the news that she’s pregnant?

We’ll outline helpful tips below.

How Can I Support Her?

  1. Offer a listening ear. Your partner is likely scared and confused, especially if she’s unsure about what to do. Pledge to stay with her and listen without judgment.
  2. Attend appointments with her. If possible, offer to attend options consultations, ultrasound appointments, and doctor’s visits with her. This will show that you’re committed to being there for her.
  3. Research options with her. In addition to attending appointments, you can demonstrate you’re there for her in those tough times by having conversations about abortion, adoption, and parenting. Be honest but sensitive and remember that she may feel the weight of the world is on her shoulders. Take some time to research options and present what you’ve found in a caring, compassionate way.
  4. Make the decision together. If your partner is willing, become a united front and make the decision together. Be supportive and understanding.

What We Can Offer You

Assure Pregnancy Clinic wants to help you through an unexpected pregnancy journey. We offer various services for men, including fellowship opportunities.

We know how important it is to have a strong community of men who can value and support each other. Our parenting education opportunities are open to fathers and mothers alike, and we also provide post-abortion support for men to deal with the unique challenges they face when their partner has had an abortion.

Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.